Discover the Truths Behind Cat Behaviour [ENGLISH SESSION]

Discover the Truths Behind Cat Behaviour [ENGLISH SESSION]

Find out cat behaviour myth busting with cat behaviourist Briganne Carter and join in a live Q&A session. Get down to the bottom of common misconceptions such as cats are solitary animals to cats are not trainable and cats are always fearful, plus have your questions answered during the live Q&A!

與貓咪行為諮詢師Briganne Carter解構貓咪每種行為背後的迷思,並透過問答環節以更深入了解各項對貓咪的誤解,例如貓咪是獨居動物 ? 牠們不受訓 ? 牠們都很膽小? 歡迎於問答環節提出你對貓貓的疑問 !


Event details:

DATE: Saturday 30th May

TIME: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm


FREE (registration required)


To secure your spot, please sign-up & register HERE.

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