對於挑剔的狗來說,Barkworthies 麋鹿角是A 級、自然脫落的麋鹿角,縱向分成兩半,可以給您的狗帶來數小時的快樂、有益的維生素和礦物質以及清潔的牙齒!
Barkworthies 分割麋鹿鹿角狗咀嚼物非常適合那些渴望持久、純天然、無異味和低髒亂咀嚼物的毛皮朋友。每年,在漫遊的麋鹿脫落鹿角後,鹿角都會被合乎道德地收集起來,鹿角會被徹底清潔,然後切成適合您的毛寶寶爪子的大小。由於骨髓中心暴露在外,您的小狗會將其良好的咀嚼習慣與美味的骨髓味獎勵聯繫起來。 Split Elk Antler Dog Chew 不含人工防腐劑、添加劑、香料、色素和化學處理,是一種高度易消化且令人流口水的蛋白質來源。
尺寸:約 7 至 8 英吋長
Barkworthies 分割麋鹿鹿角狗咀嚼物非常適合那些渴望持久、純天然、無異味和低髒亂咀嚼物的毛皮朋友。每年,在漫遊的麋鹿脫落鹿角後,鹿角都會被合乎道德地收集起來,鹿角會被徹底清潔,然後切成適合您的毛寶寶爪子的大小。由於骨髓中心暴露在外,您的小狗會將其良好的咀嚼習慣與美味的骨髓味獎勵聯繫起來。 Split Elk Antler Dog Chew 不含人工防腐劑、添加劑、香料、色素和化學處理,是一種高度易消化且令人流口水的蛋白質來源。
尺寸:約 7 至 8 英吋長
For the discerning dog, Barkworthies Elk Antlers are Grade-A, naturally shed elk antlers that are split in half lengthwise to give your dog hours of pleasure, beneficial vitamins & minerals as well as cleaner teeth!
The Barkworthies Split Elk Antler Dog Chew is paw-fect for the fur-ever friend who has a hankering for a long-lasting, all-natural, odor-free and low-mess chew. Collected ethically after roaming elk shed their antlers each year, the antlers are thoroughly cleaned then cut to a size that's paw-fect for your furbaby. With an exposed marrow center, your pup will associate his good chewing habits with a tasty, marrow-flavored reward. Free of artificial preservatives, additives, flavors, colors and chemical treatments, the Split Elk Antler Dog Chew is a highly digestible and drool-worthy source of protein.
Sizes : Approx 7 to 8\" long
The Barkworthies Split Elk Antler Dog Chew is paw-fect for the fur-ever friend who has a hankering for a long-lasting, all-natural, odor-free and low-mess chew. Collected ethically after roaming elk shed their antlers each year, the antlers are thoroughly cleaned then cut to a size that's paw-fect for your furbaby. With an exposed marrow center, your pup will associate his good chewing habits with a tasty, marrow-flavored reward. Free of artificial preservatives, additives, flavors, colors and chemical treatments, the Split Elk Antler Dog Chew is a highly digestible and drool-worthy source of protein.
Sizes : Approx 7 to 8\" long
Elk Antler
About Barkworthies
About Barkworthies
Barkworthies is a line of all-natural dog chews and treats made from free-range cattle from the U. S. A. and South America. Healthy and tasty, they are naturally worth barking for!
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
• 該鹿角已被剖開,露出美味的骨髓中心。
• 麋鹿骨髓含有必需的營養素-鋅、鈣、錳和鐵。
• 這款純正的天然咀嚼物不含任何添加劑、化學物質或防腐劑。
• 持久咀嚼有助於按摩幼犬的牙齦,而天然紋理表面則有助於清潔幼犬的牙齒。
• 麋鹿骨髓含有必需的營養素-鋅、鈣、錳和鐵。
• 這款純正的天然咀嚼物不含任何添加劑、化學物質或防腐劑。
• 持久咀嚼有助於按摩幼犬的牙齦,而天然紋理表面則有助於清潔幼犬的牙齒。
- 定價
- $138.00
- 售價
- $138.00
- 定價
預計送貨日期: Mar 15 (Sat) - Mar 17 (Mon)
• 該鹿角已被剖開,露出美味的骨髓中心。
• 麋鹿骨髓含有必需的營養素-鋅、鈣、錳和鐵。
• 這款純正的天然咀嚼物不含任何添加劑、化學物質或防腐劑。
• 持久咀嚼有助於按摩幼犬的牙齦,而天然紋理表面則有助於清潔幼犬的牙齒。
• 麋鹿骨髓含有必需的營養素-鋅、鈣、錳和鐵。
• 這款純正的天然咀嚼物不含任何添加劑、化學物質或防腐劑。
• 持久咀嚼有助於按摩幼犬的牙齦,而天然紋理表面則有助於清潔幼犬的牙齒。

購買滿 $300 免運費

3 個工作天內快速交貨

當天 The Lohas 康城店內取貨