
讓您的小狗在Benebone煙肉味小狗叉骨狗玩具上試試他的新牙齒!這款耐用的尼龍咀嚼玩具在美國製造,具有真正的培根口味,稍微柔軟一些比成犬Benebone 玩具更能幫助您的小狗緩解出牙疼痛,並提供數小時的啃咬樂趣。您的孩子無需舉起爪子即可輕鬆抓住凸起的叉骨設計,使這款玩具比傳統的扁骨形狀更具吸引力。為您的小狗在生命早期提供一個合適的咀嚼位置,可以幫助您的毛寶寶安全並感到滿意 !


產品尺寸‏ : ‎ 4.5 x 1.75 x 9 吋;5.6 安士
Let your puppy try out his new teeth on the Benebone Bacon Flavor Puppy Wishbone Dog Toy! This durable nylon chew toy is made in the USA with real bacon flavor and is slightly softer than adult Benebone toys to help ease your puppy's teething pain and offers hours of gnaw-some fun. Your little one can easily grab onto the raised wishbone design without raising a paw, making this toy more attractive than traditional flat bone shapes. Plus, giving your puppy a proper place to chew early in life can help keep your furbaby safe and satisfied—and your shoelaces in one piece!


Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 4.5 x 1.75 x 9 inches; 5.6 Ounces
特點 Features
Nylon and Real Bacon
關於Benebone About Benebone
We began with the notion that pet parents want the best for their dogs. But pet store aisles made us dizzy with neon colors and squeaks, much of it made overseas. We started fresh, understanding that dogs experience the world uniquely. So we zeroed in on things that dogs really dig.

Our flagship product came out of a few basics: dogs love real flavor, push durability to the limit, and don’t have thumbs. So we used real bacon in a quality, USA-made, durable chew designed for a paw-friendly grip. By focusing on the basics and sweating the details, we knew we were onto something.

What really gets us going is the community around dogs. Dogs bring our guard down — just chat it up with somebody walking a dog and you’ll get the vibe. We are friendlier, more approachable, and more empathetic in the presence of dogs. We foster that feeling through events, philanthropy, and developing deep relationships with our fan base. Gotta see it to believe it, right?
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
讓您的小狗在Benebone煙肉味小狗叉骨狗玩具上試試他的新牙齒!這款耐用的尼龍咀嚼玩具在美國製造,具有真正的培根口味,稍微柔軟一些比成犬Benebone 玩具更能幫助您的小狗緩解出牙疼痛,並提供數小時的啃咬樂趣。您的孩子無需舉起爪子即可輕鬆抓住凸起的叉骨設計,使這款玩具比傳統的扁骨形狀更具吸引力。為您的小狗在生命早期提供一個合適的咀嚼位置,可以幫助您的毛寶寶安全並感到滿意 !


產品尺寸‏ : ‎ 4.5 x 1.75 x 9 吋;5.6 安士
Let your puppy try out his new teeth on the Benebone Bacon Flavor Puppy Wishbone Dog Toy! This durable nylon chew toy is made in the USA with real bacon flavor and is slightly softer than adult Benebone toys to help ease your puppy's teething pain and offers hours of gnaw-some fun. Your little one can easily grab onto the raised wishbone design without raising a paw, making this toy more attractive than traditional flat bone shapes. Plus, giving your puppy a proper place to chew early in life can help keep your furbaby safe and satisfied—and your shoelaces in one piece!


Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 4.5 x 1.75 x 9 inches; 5.6 Ounces
特點 Features
Nylon and Real Bacon
關於Benebone About Benebone
We began with the notion that pet parents want the best for their dogs. But pet store aisles made us dizzy with neon colors and squeaks, much of it made overseas. We started fresh, understanding that dogs experience the world uniquely. So we zeroed in on things that dogs really dig.

Our flagship product came out of a few basics: dogs love real flavor, push durability to the limit, and don’t have thumbs. So we used real bacon in a quality, USA-made, durable chew designed for a paw-friendly grip. By focusing on the basics and sweating the details, we knew we were onto something.

What really gets us going is the community around dogs. Dogs bring our guard down — just chat it up with somebody walking a dog and you’ll get the vibe. We are friendlier, more approachable, and more empathetic in the presence of dogs. We foster that feeling through events, philanthropy, and developing deep relationships with our fan base. Gotta see it to believe it, right?
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天

Puppy Pack - 叉骨煙肉咀嚼小狗玩具


預計送貨日期: Mar 31 (Mon) - Apr 2 (Wed)


- 耐用, – Benebones 適合堅定的咀嚼者。 我們的幼犬和溫柔系列非常耐用,而且對於人類的觸感來說非常堅固,但對於出牙的幼犬和老年犬來說更加寬容

- 真正的煙肉! – 我們只使用 100% 真正的煙肉來調味。 相信我們,狗可以分辨出差異

- 易於拿起和咀嚼

- 叉骨是彎曲的,適合爪子抓握,因此您的小狗可以快速抓住它並好好咀嚼

- 美國製造 - 我們在美國製造和採購所有產品


- 耐用, – Benebones 適合堅定的咀嚼者。 我們的幼犬和溫柔系列非常耐用,而且對於人類的觸感來說非常堅固,但對於出牙的幼犬和老年犬來說更加寬容

- 真正的煙肉! – 我們只使用 100% 真正的煙肉來調味。 相信我們,狗可以分辨出差異

- 易於拿起和咀嚼

- 叉骨是彎曲的,適合爪子抓握,因此您的小狗可以快速抓住它並好好咀嚼

- 美國製造 - 我們在美國製造和採購所有產品

購買滿 $300 免運費
3 個工作天內快速交貨
當天 The Lohas 康城店內取貨