- 神聖寵物印楝香茅噴霧的所有成分均源自天然植物來源,不含動物衍生物
- 神聖寵物印楝香茅噴霧含有香茅油,具有檸檬香,人畜愉快,蚊蟲厭惡
To protect from biting and stinging insects, Divine Pets Neem Citronella Spray can be sprayed on the animal's exposed areas of skin before going outdoors. The spray may also be applied to the dog's collar to repel fleas.
The most commonly used synthetic insecticide is DEET, but this substance can cause adverse reactions such as skin rashes and nausea. The ingredients in the Divine Pets formulation are made from plant based essential oils which offer a natural alternative to chemical repellents.
- Divine Pets Neem Citronella Spray contains a unique combination of natural essential oils combined with Neem to safelt assist in repelling biting insects such as fleas, mosquitoes and ticks.
- All components of Divine Pets Neem Citronella Spray are derived from natural plant sources and contain no animal derivatives
- Divine Pets Neem Cirtronella Spray contains Citronella Oil, which has a lemony fragrance, pleasant to humans and animals but objectionable to mosquitoes
About Divine Pets - Australian essential oil-based pet grooming
Divine Pets is an Australian pet grooming brand that offers a wide range of Australian-made products that contain natural Australian essential oils, including neem citronella spray, paws spray, tear stain remover and more. The formulation of each product is the outcome of research and development by Australian chemist and tea tree oil specialist, Dr. Lyall Williams. As a result of Dr Williams' expertise, Divine Pets products are always exceptional in both quality and performance.
Divine Pets的驅蝨噴霧利用天然精油,有效趕走昆蟲,避免狗狗被烏蠅、跳蝨、蚊或牛蜱等昆蟲螫傷。你只需在出門前,將噴霧噴在狗狗外露的皮膚或狗帶上,便能有效防止昆蟲螫咬。
市面上常見的人造驅蟲劑DEET,可能會引致皮疹或作嘔等不適症狀。而Divine Pet的驅蝨噴霧配方則全面採用植物精油,成份天然,有別一般化學驅蟲劑。
- Divine Pets的驅蝨噴霧混合不同天然精油,加上印度苦楝油,有效驅趕烏蠅、跳蝨、蚊或牛蜱等昆蟲。
- 成份全天然,不含動物衍生物,使用安全
- 加入檸檬草精油,對人類和動物來說清新提神,但對蚊子來說卻討厭至極!
- 定價
- $90.00
- 售價
- $90.00
- 定價
預計送貨日期: Mar 15 (Sat) - Mar 17 (Mon)
Divine Pets的驅蝨噴霧利用天然精油,有效趕走昆蟲,避免狗狗被烏蠅、跳蝨、蚊或牛蜱等昆蟲螫傷。你只需在出門前,將噴霧噴在狗狗外露的皮膚或狗帶上,便能有效防止昆蟲螫咬。
市面上常見的人造驅蟲劑DEET,可能會引致皮疹或作嘔等不適症狀。而Divine Pet的驅蝨噴霧配方則全面採用植物精油,成份天然,有別一般化學驅蟲劑。
- Divine Pets的驅蝨噴霧混合不同天然精油,加上印度苦楝油,有效驅趕烏蠅、跳蝨、蚊或牛蜱等昆蟲。
- 成份全天然,不含動物衍生物,使用安全
- 加入檸檬草精油,對人類和動物來說清新提神,但對蚊子來說卻討厭至極!