去骨羊肉、全乾雞蛋、土豆、豌豆、豌豆粉、土豆粉、去骨豬肉、亞麻籽、菜籽油(用混合生育酚保存)、天然香料、椰子油(用混合生育酚保存)、碳酸鈣、蘋果、紅薯、豌豆纖維、磷酸一鈣、曬乾的苜蓿、番茄、胡蘿蔔、南瓜、南瓜、香蕉、藍莓、蔓越莓、黑莓、石榴、木瓜、扁豆、西蘭花、鹽、幹菊苣根、氯化膽鹼、維生素(維生素E 補充劑、L-抗壞血酸-2-聚磷酸鹽(維生素 C 的來源)、菸酸、d-泛酸鈣、維生素 A 補充劑、硫胺素單硝酸鹽、核黃素、β-胡蘿蔔素、維生素 B12 補充劑、生物素、鹽酸吡哆醇、維生素 D3 補充劑、葉酸)、礦物質(硫酸亞鐵、蛋白酸鋅、蛋白酸鐵、硒酵母、氧化鋅、硫酸銅、蛋白酸錳、蛋白酸銅、氧化錳、碘酸鈣)、牛磺酸、乾燥的嗜酸乳桿菌發酵產物、乾燥的糞腸球菌發酵產物產品,DL-蛋氨酸,L-賴氨酸,氯化鉀,L-肉鹼,迷迭香乾
We promise to make pet nutrition simple. Our expert pet nutritionists obsess over finding the perfect balance of freshimple ingredients, so you don’t have to. Why? Because your pet's health & wellness is our passion, plain & simple.
We believe the key to helping dogs & cats thrive throughout their lives is complete, minimally processed nutrition made with only the best ingredients. We then tailor each recipe to size & life stage to help you choose the ideal recipe for your pet.
We’re choosy about our ingredients and believe balance is best. We use fresh de-boned meats like turkey, salmon & duck, whole eggs, and nutrient-dense fruits & veggies. We don’t use by-product or meat meals, artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives.
We keep processing to a minimum to preserve nutrients and great flavour. By blending whole foods with supplemental ingredients such as probiotics & glucosamine, our expert pet nutritionists craft our recipes to support complete health.
Fast Delivery
Hong Kong Island1-2 business days
Kowloon2-3 business days
New Territories2-3 business days
Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan2-3 business days
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.
去骨羊肉、全乾雞蛋、土豆、豌豆、豌豆粉、土豆粉、去骨豬肉、亞麻籽、菜籽油(用混合生育酚保存)、天然香料、椰子油(用混合生育酚保存)、碳酸鈣、蘋果、紅薯、豌豆纖維、磷酸一鈣、曬乾的苜蓿、番茄、胡蘿蔔、南瓜、南瓜、香蕉、藍莓、蔓越莓、黑莓、石榴、木瓜、扁豆、西蘭花、鹽、幹菊苣根、氯化膽鹼、維生素(維生素E 補充劑、L-抗壞血酸-2-聚磷酸鹽(維生素 C 的來源)、菸酸、d-泛酸鈣、維生素 A 補充劑、硫胺素單硝酸鹽、核黃素、β-胡蘿蔔素、維生素 B12 補充劑、生物素、鹽酸吡哆醇、維生素 D3 補充劑、葉酸)、礦物質(硫酸亞鐵、蛋白酸鋅、蛋白酸鐵、硒酵母、氧化鋅、硫酸銅、蛋白酸錳、蛋白酸銅、氧化錳、碘酸鈣)、牛磺酸、乾燥的嗜酸乳桿菌發酵產物、乾燥的糞腸球菌發酵產物產品,DL-蛋氨酸,L-賴氨酸,氯化鉀,L-肉鹼,迷迭香乾
關於 Now Fresh
We promise to make pet nutrition simple. Our expert pet nutritionists obsess over finding the perfect balance of freshimple ingredients, so you don’t have to. Why? Because your pet's health & wellness is our passion, plain & simple.
We believe the key to helping dogs & cats thrive throughout their lives is complete, minimally processed nutrition made with only the best ingredients. We then tailor each recipe to size & life stage to help you choose the ideal recipe for your pet.
We’re choosy about our ingredients and believe balance is best. We use fresh de-boned meats like turkey, salmon & duck, whole eggs, and nutrient-dense fruits & veggies. We don’t use by-product or meat meals, artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives.
We keep processing to a minimum to preserve nutrients and great flavour. By blending whole foods with supplemental ingredients such as probiotics & glucosamine, our expert pet nutritionists craft our recipes to support complete health.
送貨 & 退貨安排
Fast Delivery
Hong Kong Island1-2 business days
Kowloon2-3 business days
New Territories2-3 business days
Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan2-3 business days
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.
International telephone input
Some products have a minimum quantity rule. This is to ensure the product retains its coldness when it reaches you. The multiples of quantity can be made up of any combination of products in that product category.