About RAWZ
Their primary purpose is to improve the lives of pets through minimally processed, exceptional quality nutrition.
The Scott Family founded RAWZ Natural Pet Food with a purpose to bring a raw food alternative to your pet by providing a dry food that uses the highest meat content possible without using rendered meals.
Nothing Rendered
They believe that rendered meals such as chicken meal, turkey meal, or lamb meal provide a very good economical source of concentrated protein and they feel that dehydrated chicken is even better. RAWZ uses only dehydrated chicken as their natural concentrated protein souces. Their dehydrated chicken has a higher P. E. R. Value (Protein Efficiency Ratio) than rendered meals. It is gently cooked at much lower temperatures, which helps retain protein and amino acids, keeping the protein in a more natural state.
Best Mixer with Raw
A raw diet is as pure as it gets. Made with human grade, gently cooked, minimally processed ingredients, RAWZ is the ideal complement to a raw or homemade diet.
• 脫水雞肉是我們的濃縮蛋白質來源
• 健康水平的高度易消化的蛋白質
• 減少碳水化合物攝取量
• 天然存在的脂肪含量適中
• 小批量溫和烹調
• 烹調至確保食品安全的水平,僅此而已
RAWZ 三文魚脫水雞肉和白肉魚全犬糧
- 定價
- $1,148.00
- 售價
- $1,148.00
- 定價
Estimated Delivery : -
• 脫水雞肉是我們的濃縮蛋白質來源
• 健康水平的高度易消化的蛋白質
• 減少碳水化合物攝取量
• 天然存在的脂肪含量適中
• 小批量溫和烹調
• 烹調至確保食品安全的水平,僅此而已
• 脫水雞肉是我們的濃縮蛋白質來源
• 健康水平的高度易消化的蛋白質
• 減少碳水化合物攝取量
• 天然存在的脂肪含量適中
• 小批量溫和烹調
• 烹調至確保食品安全的水平,僅此而已