商品系列: Sojos
Sojos 專門生產天然寵物食品,提供由明尼蘇達州新鮮農場食材製成的冷凍乾燥生食和零食。他們成立於 1985 年,專注於為寵物父母提供簡單、營養的選擇。
Delivering both the unsurpassed nutrition of fresh raw food and the convenience of kibble, Sojos uses a gentle, proprietary freeze-drying process to turn raw meat into a safe and tasty kibble for your pet. All you need is to add water and raw meals will be ready in minutes. What's more, every pound of Sojos rehydrates to more than 5 lbs. of nutrient-dense food. As for its Simply dog treats, every morsel is gently freeze-dried to lock in the natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals in the real raw meat, making them the perfect bite-size treat for dogs of all sizes.