About Applaws
At Applaws, they believe and trust in the goodness of dog and cat food that starts with the highest quality ingredients. Their philosophy follows the idea of natural simplicity - nothing artificial is added or hidden, no colours, flavours, or preservatives. Their high quality all natural cat and dog food are made from ingredients that are sourced with the highest ethical standards.
With a focus on recognisable and natural ingredients, their recipes, ranging from their grain free kitten dry food to their all natural grain free dry dog food, offer a great natural source of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids like Taurine, Arginine, Omega 3, Omega 6 and more.
Applaws natural recipes are made from human grade proteins. These prime cuts of meat are formed from muscle tissue. Muscle fibres are high in natural taurine and arginine. Taurine, which is an amino acid found in meat and is essential for the well-being of pets (especially cats), can be found in the majority of Applaws' natural recipes.
About Applaws
At Applaws, they believe and trust in the goodness of dog and cat food that starts with the highest quality ingredients. Their philosophy follows the idea of natural simplicity - nothing artificial is added or hidden, no colours, flavours, or preservatives. Their high quality all natural cat and dog food are made from ingredients that are sourced with the highest ethical standards.
With a focus on recognisable and natural ingredients, their recipes, ranging from their grain free kitten dry food to their all natural grain free dry dog food, offer a great natural source of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids like Taurine, Arginine, Omega 3, Omega 6 and more.
Applaws natural recipes are made from human grade proteins. These prime cuts of meat are formed from muscle tissue. Muscle fibres are high in natural taurine and arginine. Taurine, which is an amino acid found in meat and is essential for the well-being of pets (especially cats), can be found in the majority of Applaws' natural recipes.
Applaws 雞胸三文魚蔬菜湯汁配方狗罐頭
- 定價
- $22.00
- 售價
- $22.00
- 定價
預計送貨日期: Mar 31 (Mon) - Apr 2 (Wed)
• 不含人工添加物-我們正在永久改變我們餵養寵物的方式。
• 三文魚-三文魚是Omega 6 的極佳來源,它增添了令人垂涎欲滴的味道和誘人的口感。
• 我們的罐頭可以單獨食用,也可以添加到您最喜歡的乾糧中以增加水分和風味。
• 將切碎的優質雞胸肉與三文魚片、米飯和蔬菜(包括南瓜、胡蘿蔔和豌豆)混合,為您的愛犬的晚餐增添風味。