About Ever Clean
The makers of Ever Clean Litter bring two patented technologies together to deliver maximum odor control. Odor-neutralizing carbon is bonded to premium clay granules. Carbon eliminates odors by grabbing and holding them to its surface, then an antimicrobial agent is added to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria.
About Ever Clean
The makers of Ever Clean Litter bring two patented technologies together to deliver maximum odor control. Odor-neutralizing carbon is bonded to premium clay granules. Carbon eliminates odors by grabbing and holding them to its surface, then an antimicrobial agent is added to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria.
- 定價
- $185.00
- 售價
- $185.00
- 定價
預計送貨日期: Mar 27 (Thu) - Mar 29 (Sat)
• Carbon Plus 技術、抗菌劑和植物提取物有助於消除您的貓科朋友的貓砂盆氣味。
• 高吸水性的粘土顆粒形成固體團塊,便於清潔垃圾箱,並有助於減少整個房屋的痕跡。
• 為您和您的貓科朋友提供享受長達 10 天的持久新鮮清新感。
• 美國首款結塊貓砂,由天然礦物質和粘土的優質混合物製成。