Eye Envy 是淚痕去除系統中的終極產品。這款安全、無刺激且有效的清潔劑和美化劑外用,可去除難看的污漬並抑制深色染色的產生。• 將溶液塗抹在眼睛周圍和皮膚之間 • 清潔患處並使用天然抗菌劑對抗細菌 • 使用天然收斂劑封閉毛幹 • 僅包含天然成分,包括膠體銀 • 局部應用而不是攝入 • 不含...
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Product Details
關於 Eye Envy
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Eye Envy® 狗用淚痕去除劑可安全去除寵物臉上難看的淚痕。我們的解決方案僅結合無刺激性的天然成分,其配方可有效解決問題的根源並提供持久的效果。
Eye Envy 狗淚污漬去除劑包含膠體銀,這是一種關鍵礦物質,可幫助解決問題控制和阻止導緻小狗和狗身上難看、難聞的淚痕的細菌生長。
Eye Envy 狗淚污漬去除劑包含膠體銀,這是一種關鍵礦物質,可幫助解決問題控制和阻止導緻小狗和狗身上難看、難聞的淚痕的細菌生長。
硼酸晶體 – 是一種天然清潔劑和抗菌劑,用於成熟的洗眼液,有助於緩解刺激和不適。
金縷梅 – 其收斂特性非常適合殺死細菌並乾燥受影響的區域
膠體銀 – 一種天然抗菌、抗病毒和抗炎作用,模仿抗生素的特性。這將有助於控制和阻止細菌的生長,從而導致淚痕。
金縷梅 – 其收斂特性非常適合殺死細菌並乾燥受影響的區域
膠體銀 – 一種天然抗菌、抗病毒和抗炎作用,模仿抗生素的特性。這將有助於控制和阻止細菌的生長,從而導致淚痕。
About Eye Envy - Safe healthcare products you can trust
Eye Envy's founder, Lisa Burns, was a breeder of Himalayan and Persian cats. However, both breeds had the propensity for unsightly tear stains and there was not a product available to remedy this problem. Luckily, with the help of her uncle, who was a chemist, Lisa developed Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover—Eye Envy's very first product—and it cleared her cats' tear stains.
In September 2014, Eye Envy changed ownership to brothers Marcelo and Marco Lalau, who were originally the owners of a pet spa that Lisa frequented. The brothers then began selling Eye Envy with the same ethos and traditions. They became an obvious and trusted choice to grow the brand.
Today, Eye Envy products continue to be made with safe, human-grade and/or organic ingredients at the Eye Envy plant in California. They are tested and recommended by veterinarians, breeders, groomers, and pet owners.
Eye Envy's founder, Lisa Burns, was a breeder of Himalayan and Persian cats. However, both breeds had the propensity for unsightly tear stains and there was not a product available to remedy this problem. Luckily, with the help of her uncle, who was a chemist, Lisa developed Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover—Eye Envy's very first product—and it cleared her cats' tear stains.
In September 2014, Eye Envy changed ownership to brothers Marcelo and Marco Lalau, who were originally the owners of a pet spa that Lisa frequented. The brothers then began selling Eye Envy with the same ethos and traditions. They became an obvious and trusted choice to grow the brand.
Today, Eye Envy products continue to be made with safe, human-grade and/or organic ingredients at the Eye Envy plant in California. They are tested and recommended by veterinarians, breeders, groomers, and pet owners.
- 香港區 1-2 個工作日
- 九龍區 2-3 個工作日
- 新界區 2-3 個工作日
- Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan 2-3 個工作日
Eye Envy® 狗用淚痕去除劑可安全去除寵物臉上難看的淚痕。我們的解決方案僅結合無刺激性的天然成分,其配方可有效解決問題的根源並提供持久的效果。
Eye Envy 狗淚污漬去除劑包含膠體銀,這是一種關鍵礦物質,可幫助解決問題控制和阻止導緻小狗和狗身上難看、難聞的淚痕的細菌生長。
Eye Envy 狗淚污漬去除劑包含膠體銀,這是一種關鍵礦物質,可幫助解決問題控制和阻止導緻小狗和狗身上難看、難聞的淚痕的細菌生長。
硼酸晶體 – 是一種天然清潔劑和抗菌劑,用於成熟的洗眼液,有助於緩解刺激和不適。
金縷梅 – 其收斂特性非常適合殺死細菌並乾燥受影響的區域
膠體銀 – 一種天然抗菌、抗病毒和抗炎作用,模仿抗生素的特性。這將有助於控制和阻止細菌的生長,從而導致淚痕。
金縷梅 – 其收斂特性非常適合殺死細菌並乾燥受影響的區域
膠體銀 – 一種天然抗菌、抗病毒和抗炎作用,模仿抗生素的特性。這將有助於控制和阻止細菌的生長,從而導致淚痕。
關於 Eye Envy
關於 Eye Envy
About Eye Envy - Safe healthcare products you can trust
Eye Envy's founder, Lisa Burns, was a breeder of Himalayan and Persian cats. However, both breeds had the propensity for unsightly tear stains and there was not a product available to remedy this problem. Luckily, with the help of her uncle, who was a chemist, Lisa developed Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover—Eye Envy's very first product—and it cleared her cats' tear stains.
In September 2014, Eye Envy changed ownership to brothers Marcelo and Marco Lalau, who were originally the owners of a pet spa that Lisa frequented. The brothers then began selling Eye Envy with the same ethos and traditions. They became an obvious and trusted choice to grow the brand.
Today, Eye Envy products continue to be made with safe, human-grade and/or organic ingredients at the Eye Envy plant in California. They are tested and recommended by veterinarians, breeders, groomers, and pet owners.
Eye Envy's founder, Lisa Burns, was a breeder of Himalayan and Persian cats. However, both breeds had the propensity for unsightly tear stains and there was not a product available to remedy this problem. Luckily, with the help of her uncle, who was a chemist, Lisa developed Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover—Eye Envy's very first product—and it cleared her cats' tear stains.
In September 2014, Eye Envy changed ownership to brothers Marcelo and Marco Lalau, who were originally the owners of a pet spa that Lisa frequented. The brothers then began selling Eye Envy with the same ethos and traditions. They became an obvious and trusted choice to grow the brand.
Today, Eye Envy products continue to be made with safe, human-grade and/or organic ingredients at the Eye Envy plant in California. They are tested and recommended by veterinarians, breeders, groomers, and pet owners.
送貨 & 退貨安排
送貨 & 退貨安排
- 香港區 1-2 個工作日
- 九龍區 2-3 個工作日
- 新界區 2-3 個工作日
- Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan 2-3 個工作日