Lambwolf Collective was founded over a relentless need to elevate the quality of life with our furry family members.
After setting ourselves up with a mission to see the world from the eyes of our silly puppies, we work to design products with a sophisticated minimalism and primitivism. Our goal is to bring you beautiful objects and functional products that are a pleasure to live with while meeting the needs of a contemporary pet owner.
Lambwolf Collective was founded over a relentless need to elevate the quality of life with our furry family members. After setting ourselves up with a mission to see the world from the eyes of our silly puppies, we work to design products with a sophisticated minimalism and primitivism. Our goal is to bring you beautiful objects and functional products that are a pleasure to live with while meeting the needs of a contemporary pet owner.
• 形狀像咖啡杯,裡面有吱吱作響的流行元素。
• 紋理套筒鼓勵輕柔咀嚼。
• 送給喜愛咖啡並希望為自己的小狗提供獨特玩具的寵物主人的絕佳禮物。
• 使用柔軟、引人入勝的材料提供感官遊戲。