- 散發淡淡的清新氣味
- 細菌配方在接觸食物源(寵物尿液、糞便、嘔吐物和其他生物基)時會產生酵素混亂。只要有食物源,酵素清潔劑就會繼續運作。進行色牢度處理。等待 1 小時,然後用布擦拭。如果測試區域的顏色被去除,請勿在這些表面上使用 Nature's Miracle Advanced Stain & Odor Eliminator。請勿在未經處理的硬木、皮革、麂皮、絲綢或羊毛特殊織物上使用。始終全力使用本產品。不要稀釋。始終先使用 Nature's Miracle Advanced Stain & Odor Eliminator 產品。其他清潔劑和洗滌劑可能會失效,並透過化學方式「固定」污漬,而無法去除。然後用本產品徹底浸泡污漬。頑固污漬(糞便或嘔吐物/毛球),請按照上述步驟1-2 操作,然後用軟毛刷輕輕擦洗污漬1 分鐘,然後晾乾24 小時。異味
- 擦去多餘的引起異味的物質,然後用本產品徹底浸泡該區域。飽和度很重要,這樣該產品才能深入滲透到氣味源。 - 在地毯上,這可能意味著提起心皮並直接塗抹在墊子和地板上。本產品乾燥時,氣味會消失。只有在到達所有異味源時,才能完全消除異味。至2 小時。這將使細菌酶活性分解並消耗更多的氣味。
- For the toughest, severe cat messes including urine, diarrhea and vomit
- Freshens with a light fresh scent
- Bacteria-based formulas produce enzymes when they come into contact with a food source — pet urine, feces, vomit and other bio-based messes. The enzymatic cleaner will continue working as long as the food source is present.
How to use Advanced Stain & Odor Eliminator?
Before using, test surfaces to be treated for color fastness by applying to a hidden area. Wait 1 hour, then wipe with cloth. If color is removed from the test area, do not use Nature's Miracle Advanced Stain & Odor Eliminator on those surfaces. Do not use on untreated hardwood, leather, suede, silk or wool specialty fabrics. Always use this product full strength. Do not dilute. Always use Nature's Miracle Advanced Stain & Odor Eliminator products first. Other cleaners and detergents may fail and chemically "set" stains that will be impossible to remove.
- Wipe up as much of the stain as possible. then thoroughly soak stain with this product.
- Allow to work for 15 minutes, then blot up stain with a clean cloth.
- Allow area to dry for 24 hours.
- For severe, old or stubborn stains (feces or vomit/hairball), follow steps 1-2 above and follow with gently scrubbing the stain with a soft bristle brush for 1 minute, then allow to dry for 24 hours.
- Wipe up excess odor-causing material, then thoroughly soak area with this product. Saturation is important so that this product can penetrate deeply to the odor source. - In carpeting, this may mean lifting carpel and applying directly to the pad and floor.
- Do not wipe up excess.
- Leave treated area wet and let it air dry. Odor will fade as this product dries. Complete odor elimination only happens when all odor sources are reached.
- For severe, old or stubborn odors on carpeting or fabrics, saturate a towel with water and lay over the treated area, letting sit for 1 to 2 hours. This will allow the bacterial enzymatic activity to break down and consume more of the odor.
About Nature's Miracle - The most trusted stain and odor solutions
Every pet parent has a stain and odor product at home, and that product is very likely from Nature's Miracle. The most trusted name when it comes to stain and odor products, Nature's Solution offers solutions throughout the home care and clean-up categories. Its best-selling enzymatic formula utilizes pet and family-safe ingredients to effectively remove even the toughest pet stains and odors, so that you can have both a clean home and a happy, healthy pet.
Nature's Miracle的強效去漬除臭噴霧配方一遇上生物排泄物如尿液、糞便、嘔吐物或血液立即釋出酵素, 有效去除貓咪排泄物的氣味,預防貓咪在曾經排便的地方再次排便。噴霧適用於不同表面,如地毯、硬地板、傢俬和布料,跟隨指示使用,可有效除臭,更會散發陣陣清香。
- 適用於清理貓咪排泄物,如尿液、糞便和嘔吐物
- 散發陣陣清香
- 藉著去除貓咪排泄物的氣味,預防貓咪在曾經排便的地方再次排便
- 噴霧適用於不同表面,如地毯、硬地板、傢俬和布料
- 使用安全,對家居和寵物無害
- 細菌基底配方接觸到細菌的食物來源─即尿液、糞便和嘔吐物等生物排泄物─會即時釋出酵素,有效去除頑固污漬和氣味
使用前,請在隱蔽表面試用,測試物料的色牢度。等候1小時後,再用抹布抹乾,如物料出現褪色,請勿於該材質表面使用本產品。請勿使用於未經處理的硬木、皮革、麂皮、真絲或羊毛表面。使用前無需稀釋。我們建議先用Nature's Miracle的強效去漬除臭噴霧清理污漬,因為其他清潔劑可能令污漬更深入纖維,令污漬永久不能清除。
- 首先用抹布盡量抹走污漬,然後用本產品噴濕污漬範圍
- 等候15分鐘後,用乾淨的抹布印走噴劑
- 讓噴劑自然吹乾24小時
- 如要清理非常嚴重、頑固或舊污漬(如糞便、嘔吐物或吐出的毛球),請在進行第1和2個步驟後,用柔軟毛刷擦拭1分鐘,再讓噴劑自然吹乾24小時
- 首先用抹布盡量抹走氣味來源,然後用本產品徹底噴濕受污染範圍。請確保該範圍完全被噴劑濕透,讓噴劑深入氣味來源。
- 如果是清潔地毯的話,你或許需要提起地毯,噴灑底墊甚至地板。
- 請勿抹走多餘噴劑。
- 讓清潔範圍自然吹乾,氣味會隨著表面吹乾而減少,直至產品完全滲透並根除氣味來源,氣味才會完全消失。
- 如要清理地毯或布料上非常嚴重、頑固或舊氣味,請用濕抹布覆蓋受污染範圍,再等候1-2小時,讓細菌在釋出酵素過程中更有效分解氣味來源。
- 定價
- $188.00
- 售價
- $188.00
- 定價
預計送貨日期: Mar 17 (Mon) - Mar 19 (Wed)
Nature's Miracle的強效去漬除臭噴霧配方一遇上生物排泄物如尿液、糞便、嘔吐物或血液立即釋出酵素, 有效去除貓咪排泄物的氣味,預防貓咪在曾經排便的地方再次排便。噴霧適用於不同表面,如地毯、硬地板、傢俬和布料,跟隨指示使用,可有效除臭,更會散發陣陣清香。
- 適用於清理貓咪排泄物,如尿液、糞便和嘔吐物
- 散發陣陣清香
- 藉著去除貓咪排泄物的氣味,預防貓咪在曾經排便的地方再次排便
- 噴霧適用於不同表面,如地毯、硬地板、傢俬和布料
- 使用安全,對家居和寵物無害
- 細菌基底配方接觸到細菌的食物來源─即尿液、糞便和嘔吐物等生物排泄物─會即時釋出酵素,有效去除頑固污漬和氣味
使用前,請在隱蔽表面試用,測試物料的色牢度。等候1小時後,再用抹布抹乾,如物料出現褪色,請勿於該材質表面使用本產品。請勿使用於未經處理的硬木、皮革、麂皮、真絲或羊毛表面。使用前無需稀釋。我們建議先用Nature's Miracle的強效去漬除臭噴霧清理污漬,因為其他清潔劑可能令污漬更深入纖維,令污漬永久不能清除。
- 首先用抹布盡量抹走污漬,然後用本產品噴濕污漬範圍
- 等候15分鐘後,用乾淨的抹布印走噴劑
- 讓噴劑自然吹乾24小時
- 如要清理非常嚴重、頑固或舊污漬(如糞便、嘔吐物或吐出的毛球),請在進行第1和2個步驟後,用柔軟毛刷擦拭1分鐘,再讓噴劑自然吹乾24小時
- 首先用抹布盡量抹走氣味來源,然後用本產品徹底噴濕受污染範圍。請確保該範圍完全被噴劑濕透,讓噴劑深入氣味來源。
- 如果是清潔地毯的話,你或許需要提起地毯,噴灑底墊甚至地板。
- 請勿抹走多餘噴劑。
- 讓清潔範圍自然吹乾,氣味會隨著表面吹乾而減少,直至產品完全滲透並根除氣味來源,氣味才會完全消失。
- 如要清理地毯或布料上非常嚴重、頑固或舊氣味,請用濕抹布覆蓋受污染範圍,再等候1-2小時,讓細菌在釋出酵素過程中更有效分解氣味來源。