Raw Boost 無穀物腸胃保健狗狗乾糧混合凍乾生肉 - 雞肉配方
• 專為腸道健康量身定制的強化營養,無穀物、高蛋白乾糧混合凍乾原料。 • 在一項獨立研究中,針對敏感的胃部和皮膚的暢銷、獸醫推薦的品牌和配方表現出色 • 益生元和益生菌的混合物,共同作用於腸道中健康的微生物群落 • 配方以散養雞開始並富含動物蛋白。這些易於消化的完整蛋白質很容易進入寵物的胃中 ...
- 15% off the first subscription order.
- 5% off on all recurring orders.
- Discounts subject to change or substitution without notice.
- Minimum 3 cycles commitment before cancellation or changes.
- Subscription orders over $300 get Free Delivery. Otherwise $50 delivery charge applies.
- Non-transferable, non-exchangeable for cash.
- Whiskers N Paws reserves the right to modify terms.
購物滿 $300 即享免費送貨
3 工作天送達
Product Details
雞肉、雞肉粉、豌豆、木薯粉、菜籽油(用混合生育酚和檸檬酸保存)、凍乾雞肉(包括碎雞骨)、南瓜乾、紅薯、蛋製品、亞麻籽碎、天然香料、凍乾雞肝, 南瓜子, 酵母提取物, 食鹽, 凍乾雞心, 維生素 (維生素E補充劑, L-抗壞血酸-2-聚磷酸鹽, 菸酸補充劑, 硫胺素單硝酸鹽, d-泛酸鈣, 維生素A補充劑, 核黃素補充劑, 鹽酸吡哆醇, 維生素B12補充劑、葉酸、維生素 D3 補充劑、生物素)、氯化鉀、胡蘿蔔、蘋果、蔓越莓、礦物質(蛋白質鋅、蛋白質鐵、蛋白質銅、蛋白質錳、亞硒酸鈉、乙二胺二氫碘化物)、水解酵母、酵母培養物、幹乳桿菌嗜酸菌發酵產物、幹糞腸球菌發酵產物、乾米曲霉發酵提取物、乾木黴發酵產物提取物、乾燥枯草芽孢桿菌發酵提取物、釀酒酵母、乾燥菊苣根、氯化膽鹼、絲蘭提取物、胭脂樹提取物(色素)、蘋果醋、蒙脫石粘土、迷迭香提取物、乾燥凝結芽孢桿菌發酵產物。
Nature's Variety Instinct is a pet food made with gluten and grain free ingredients that is perfect for dogs and cats nutritional requirements. It is nutritionally dense and easily digestible, giving all the energy and nourishment for them to enjoy active and healthy lives. It is especially suitable for pets with food allergies, large stool, poor skin and coat and weight problem.
- Hong Kong Island 1-2 business days
- Kowloon 2-3 business days
- New Territories 2-3 business days
- Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan 2-3 business days
Fast Delivery
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.
雞肉、雞肉粉、豌豆、木薯粉、菜籽油(用混合生育酚和檸檬酸保存)、凍乾雞肉(包括碎雞骨)、南瓜乾、紅薯、蛋製品、亞麻籽碎、天然香料、凍乾雞肝, 南瓜子, 酵母提取物, 食鹽, 凍乾雞心, 維生素 (維生素E補充劑, L-抗壞血酸-2-聚磷酸鹽, 菸酸補充劑, 硫胺素單硝酸鹽, d-泛酸鈣, 維生素A補充劑, 核黃素補充劑, 鹽酸吡哆醇, 維生素B12補充劑、葉酸、維生素 D3 補充劑、生物素)、氯化鉀、胡蘿蔔、蘋果、蔓越莓、礦物質(蛋白質鋅、蛋白質鐵、蛋白質銅、蛋白質錳、亞硒酸鈉、乙二胺二氫碘化物)、水解酵母、酵母培養物、幹乳桿菌嗜酸菌發酵產物、幹糞腸球菌發酵產物、乾米曲霉發酵提取物、乾木黴發酵產物提取物、乾燥枯草芽孢桿菌發酵提取物、釀酒酵母、乾燥菊苣根、氯化膽鹼、絲蘭提取物、胭脂樹提取物(色素)、蘋果醋、蒙脫石粘土、迷迭香提取物、乾燥凝結芽孢桿菌發酵產物。
關於Nature's Variety - Instinct
關於Nature's Variety - Instinct
Nature's Variety Instinct is a pet food made with gluten and grain free ingredients that is perfect for dogs and cats nutritional requirements. It is nutritionally dense and easily digestible, giving all the energy and nourishment for them to enjoy active and healthy lives. It is especially suitable for pets with food allergies, large stool, poor skin and coat and weight problem.
送貨 & 退貨安排
送貨 & 退貨安排
- Hong Kong Island 1-2 business days
- Kowloon 2-3 business days
- New Territories 2-3 business days
- Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan 2-3 business days
Fast Delivery
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.