About Open Farm - Do some good for your pet, farm animals and environment all at once
Rethinking how pet food is made, Open Farm is not only about sourcing the highest quality ingredients, but also about supporting farmers who treat their animals right, and providing full transparency to customers.
Better meat from better places Open Farm only sources meat and poultry from third-party verified family farms that employ humane farming practices, meaning animals are raised naturally with a nutritious diet, enough space to roam and engage in their natural behaviors, and no antibiotics. Why? It's because the healthier, happier animals are, the more nutritious beef, pork and poultry are for your pet.
The same goes for fish Using exclusively wild-caught fish, Open Farm only works with fisheries that follow the most current Ocean Wise sustainability standards to protect the marine environment and ocean floor.
Trace every single ingredient to its source Did you know you can trace the source of every ingredient in an Open Farm product instantly by scanning the lot code on the bag? That's the level of transparency the brand is willing to give its customers.
About Open Farm - Do some good for your pet, farm animals and environment all at once**Rethinking how pet food is made, Open Farm is not only about sourcing the highest quality ingredients, but also about supporting farmers who treat their animals right, and providing full transparency to customers. Better meat from better places Open Farm only sources meat and poultry from third-party verified family farms that employ humane farming practices, meaning animals are raised naturally with a nutritious diet, enough space to roam and engage in their natural behaviors, and no antibiotics. Why? It's because the healthier, happier animals are, the more nutritious beef, pork and poultry are for your pet. The same goes for fish Using exclusively wild-caught fish, Open Farm only works with fisheries that follow the most current Ocean Wise sustainability standards to protect the marine environment and ocean floor. Trace every single ingredient to its source Did you know you can trace the source of every ingredient in an Open Farm product instantly by scanning the lot code on the bag? That's the level of transparency the brand is willing to give its customers.• 完整、均衡的高水分飲食,適合各個生命階段的貓貓
• 含有人類級成分,包括碎雞肉和超級食品混合物
• 雞肉來自家庭農場,符合嚴格的動物福利標準
• 雞肉不使用抗生素或生長激素
• 非常適合讓您的貓咪保持水分或為乾糧添加風味和營養
• 含有非基因改造蔓越莓、蒲公英綠葉菜、南瓜和薑黃,有益健康
• 每種成分都完全可追溯,確保良心消費
• 支持更永續、人道且合乎道德的寵物食品選擇
Open Farm 走地雞燉肉配方貓濕糧
- 定價
- $30.00
- 售價
- $30.00
- 定價
預計送貨日期: Mar 15 (Sat) - Mar 17 (Mon)
• 完整、均衡的高水分飲食,適合各個生命階段的貓貓
• 含有人類級成分,包括碎雞肉和超級食品混合物
• 雞肉來自家庭農場,符合嚴格的動物福利標準
• 雞肉不使用抗生素或生長激素
• 非常適合讓您的貓咪保持水分或為乾糧添加風味和營養
• 含有非基因改造蔓越莓、蒲公英綠葉菜、南瓜和薑黃,有益健康
• 每種成分都完全可追溯,確保良心消費
• 支持更永續、人道且合乎道德的寵物食品選擇