Vetericyn - Antimicrobial Ear Rinse 3 oz
    Vetericyn - Antimicrobial Ear Rinse 3 oz
Vetericyn - Antimicrobial Ear Rinse 3 oz
Vetericyn - Antimicrobial Ear Rinse 3 oz
    Vetericyn - Antimicrobial Ear Rinse 3 oz
Vetericyn - Antimicrobial Ear Rinse 3 oz


每天使用 Vetericyn Plus 耳朵護理劑可保持耳朵健康、清潔,並降低刺激風險。我們的 Vetericyn Plus 耳朵護理塗抹器和配方產品專為所有類型的耳朵形狀而設計。 Vetericyn Plus 洗耳劑基於先進的次氯酸技術,配製在適當的 pH 水平,不會灼傷或刺痛。本產品可用於沖洗、清潔和護理外耳和耳道的傷口和刺激。它也非常適合清潔因污染物或污染物引起的刺激而受影響的耳朵。每天使用,減少刺激風險 從您的家到農場或牧場,Vetericyn 讓您的動物護理變得簡單輕鬆。 - 無刺激性且不致敏
- 舔或攝入時安全
- 適用於所有動物耳朵
用於沖洗、清潔和護理外耳和耳朵的傷口和刺激運河。用於緩解因灼熱、刺痛、搔癢、污染物、污染物和傷口氣味而影響的耳朵。可安全用於所有動物物種。必要時進行剪輯。調整滴管噴嘴。用 Vetericyn 浸透耳上或耳內的受影響區域。如果需要敷料,請在每次更換敷料時使用 Vetericyn 浸透敷料。每天重複3-4次,直到傷口癒合。無需沖洗。當傷口清潔並保持濕潤時,癒合速度會更快。可安全用於嘴巴、鼻子、耳朵和眼睛周圍。不適用於內耳感染。
Use Vetericyn Plus Ear Care daily to maintain healthy, clean ears, and to reduce the risk of irritation. Our Vetericyn Plus Ear Care applicators and formulaline wereas created with all types of ear shapes in mind. Based on advanced hypochlorous technology, Vetericyn Plus Ear Rinse is formulated at an appropriate pH level, and will not burn or sting. This product can be used for flushing, cleansing and caring for wounds and irritations to the outer ear and ear canal. It is also great for cleaning ears affected by irritations caused by contaminants or pollutants. Use daily to reduce the risk of irritation From your home to the farm or ranch, Vetericyn makes caring for your animals simple and easy.
- Safe & non-toxic
- No alcohol, steroids or antibiotics
- Non-irritating & non-sensitizing
- Safe if licked or ingested
- Works on all animals ears
For flushing, cleaning and caring for wounds and irritations to the outer ear and ear canal. Use to relieve ears affected by burning, stinging, itching, pollutants, contaminants and wound odors. Safe for use on all animal species.
Directions for use:
Move excess hair from affected area. Clip if necessary. Adjust dropper nozzle. Saturate the affected area on or in the ear with Vetericyn. If dressing is required, saturate dressing with Vetericyn at each dressing change. Repeat 3-4 times per day until wound is healed. No rinsing necessary. Faster healing is achieved when wounds are cleaned and maintained moist. Safe for use around mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Not for inner ear infections.
特點 Features

Active ingredients: Hypochlorous Acid (0.009%)
Inactive ingredients: Electrolyzed Water, Sodium Chloride, Phosphates, Sodium Hypochlorite
關於Vetericyn About Vetericyn

About Vetericyn - Leading the way in at-home animal care

Famous for its Vetericyn Plus® Antimicrobial All Animal Wound and Skin Care, Vetericyn strives to provide animal owners around the world with a line of safe, non-toxic animal wellness products. Proudly made and manufactured in the USA under strict quality guidelines of ISO 13485 and FDA QSR, Vetericyn products are endorsed and used by veterinarians worldwide, and approved in Canada as a Low Risk Veterinary Healthcare Product.

2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
每天使用 Vetericyn Plus 耳朵護理劑可保持耳朵健康、清潔,並降低刺激風險。我們的 Vetericyn Plus 耳朵護理塗抹器和配方產品專為所有類型的耳朵形狀而設計。 Vetericyn Plus 洗耳劑基於先進的次氯酸技術,配製在適當的 pH 水平,不會灼傷或刺痛。本產品可用於沖洗、清潔和護理外耳和耳道的傷口和刺激。它也非常適合清潔因污染物或污染物引起的刺激而受影響的耳朵。每天使用,減少刺激風險 從您的家到農場或牧場,Vetericyn 讓您的動物護理變得簡單輕鬆。 - 無刺激性且不致敏
- 舔或攝入時安全
- 適用於所有動物耳朵
用於沖洗、清潔和護理外耳和耳朵的傷口和刺激運河。用於緩解因灼熱、刺痛、搔癢、污染物、污染物和傷口氣味而影響的耳朵。可安全用於所有動物物種。必要時進行剪輯。調整滴管噴嘴。用 Vetericyn 浸透耳上或耳內的受影響區域。如果需要敷料,請在每次更換敷料時使用 Vetericyn 浸透敷料。每天重複3-4次,直到傷口癒合。無需沖洗。當傷口清潔並保持濕潤時,癒合速度會更快。可安全用於嘴巴、鼻子、耳朵和眼睛周圍。不適用於內耳感染。
Use Vetericyn Plus Ear Care daily to maintain healthy, clean ears, and to reduce the risk of irritation. Our Vetericyn Plus Ear Care applicators and formulaline wereas created with all types of ear shapes in mind. Based on advanced hypochlorous technology, Vetericyn Plus Ear Rinse is formulated at an appropriate pH level, and will not burn or sting. This product can be used for flushing, cleansing and caring for wounds and irritations to the outer ear and ear canal. It is also great for cleaning ears affected by irritations caused by contaminants or pollutants. Use daily to reduce the risk of irritation From your home to the farm or ranch, Vetericyn makes caring for your animals simple and easy.
- Safe & non-toxic
- No alcohol, steroids or antibiotics
- Non-irritating & non-sensitizing
- Safe if licked or ingested
- Works on all animals ears
For flushing, cleaning and caring for wounds and irritations to the outer ear and ear canal. Use to relieve ears affected by burning, stinging, itching, pollutants, contaminants and wound odors. Safe for use on all animal species.
Directions for use:
Move excess hair from affected area. Clip if necessary. Adjust dropper nozzle. Saturate the affected area on or in the ear with Vetericyn. If dressing is required, saturate dressing with Vetericyn at each dressing change. Repeat 3-4 times per day until wound is healed. No rinsing necessary. Faster healing is achieved when wounds are cleaned and maintained moist. Safe for use around mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Not for inner ear infections.
特點 Features

Active ingredients: Hypochlorous Acid (0.009%)
Inactive ingredients: Electrolyzed Water, Sodium Chloride, Phosphates, Sodium Hypochlorite
關於Vetericyn About Vetericyn

About Vetericyn - Leading the way in at-home animal care

Famous for its Vetericyn Plus® Antimicrobial All Animal Wound and Skin Care, Vetericyn strives to provide animal owners around the world with a line of safe, non-toxic animal wellness products. Proudly made and manufactured in the USA under strict quality guidelines of ISO 13485 and FDA QSR, Vetericyn products are endorsed and used by veterinarians worldwide, and approved in Canada as a Low Risk Veterinary Healthcare Product.

2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天
2-3 個工作天



預計送貨日期: Mar 27 (Thu) - Mar 29 (Sat)


Vetericyn Plus洗耳液專為保持寵物耳朵健康和減少耳朵不適而設,精心設計的滴嘴和成分適用於不同品種的寵物和不同形狀的耳朵。洗耳液採用先進次氯酸技術,以較溫和的酸鹼值替傷口消毒,不會產生痛楚或灼熱感,可用來灌耳、洗耳或替耳朵外圍或耳道內的傷口消毒,也適用於紓緩污染物入耳引致的不適。每日使用,可有效預防耳朵不適。不管你在哪裡,Vetericyn都能協助你輕鬆照顧心愛毛孩。
- 不含有毒成分,使用安全
- 不含酒精、類固醇或抗生素
- 不會導致不適或過敏
- 就算被舔到或被消化,對寵物都安全無害
- 所有動物的耳朵都適用
使用方法: 挪開受影響範圍的毛髮,或用髮夾夾住。扭開滴嘴,將洗耳液滴滿受影響耳道或耳朵表面;如使用紗布等敷料,則將將洗耳液滴滿每塊敷料。每日使用3-4次,直至傷口痊癒。不需用水清洗。當傷口清潔和有充足水分時,傷口會復原得更快。可使用在嘴巴、鼻子、耳朵和眼睛周圍。不能用來治療內耳感染。

活性成份: 次氯酸 (0.009%)
非活性成份:電解水 、氯化鈉 , 磷酸鹽 , 次氯酸鈉 


Vetericyn Plus洗耳液專為保持寵物耳朵健康和減少耳朵不適而設,精心設計的滴嘴和成分適用於不同品種的寵物和不同形狀的耳朵。洗耳液採用先進次氯酸技術,以較溫和的酸鹼值替傷口消毒,不會產生痛楚或灼熱感,可用來灌耳、洗耳或替耳朵外圍或耳道內的傷口消毒,也適用於紓緩污染物入耳引致的不適。每日使用,可有效預防耳朵不適。不管你在哪裡,Vetericyn都能協助你輕鬆照顧心愛毛孩。
- 不含有毒成分,使用安全
- 不含酒精、類固醇或抗生素
- 不會導致不適或過敏
- 就算被舔到或被消化,對寵物都安全無害
- 所有動物的耳朵都適用
使用方法: 挪開受影響範圍的毛髮,或用髮夾夾住。扭開滴嘴,將洗耳液滴滿受影響耳道或耳朵表面;如使用紗布等敷料,則將將洗耳液滴滿每塊敷料。每日使用3-4次,直至傷口痊癒。不需用水清洗。當傷口清潔和有充足水分時,傷口會復原得更快。可使用在嘴巴、鼻子、耳朵和眼睛周圍。不能用來治療內耳感染。

活性成份: 次氯酸 (0.009%)
非活性成份:電解水 、氯化鈉 , 磷酸鹽 , 次氯酸鈉 

購買滿 $300 免運費
3 個工作天內快速交貨
當天 The Lohas 康城店內取貨