我們喜愛Ziwi因為無論你的四腳朋友最喜歡他們的哪款產品,我們都可以依賴他們提供可持續和道德養殖的寵物食品。他們的 微蒸風乾系列由生肉和內臟及當地農產品製成,通過獨特的兩步驟方法共同烹調:原料先進行微蒸,以確保美味、易於咀嚼的質地,然後輕輕風乾,以鎖住質地和營養。
We love that we can count on Ziwi for sustainably and ethically raised pet food, no matter which of their products your four-pawed friend likes best. Their Steam & Dried line is created from raw meats and organs, whole seafood and local produce, which are cooked together using a unique two-step method: raw ingredients are micro-steamed to ensure a delectable, easy to eat texture and then its gently air dried to lock in the texture and nutrition.
About ZIWI Peak - Bring joy and peace of mind to pets and their guardians
Combining the nutrition of a raw diet with the convenience of ready-serve dry food, ZIWI Peak's award-winning gently air-dried pet foods are handcrafted in small batches to ensure the highest quality, and are loaded with ethical and sustainable raw meats from New Zealand to meet the biological needs of your cat or dog.
PeakPrey recipes for peak nutrition
With high inclusions of meat, organs, and seafood in PeakPrey ratios as well as added superfoods for a nutritional boost, ZIWI Peak's foods, chews and treats are also free from high glycemic ingredients, artificial preservatives and binders for a naturally delicious tail-wagging experience.
Kaitiaki - Guardians of the land and sea
Firmly rooted in New Zealand culture, ZIWI Peak uses free-range, grass-fed meats and local poultry that are ethically raised under New Zealand's Freedom Principles of animal welfare, as well as wild-caught, sustainable seafood from the world's top-ranked fisheries, because love and respect should extend beyond our pets to all animals, including those we farm and fish.
我們喜愛Ziwi因為無論你的四腳朋友最喜歡他們的哪款產品,我們都可以依賴他們提供可持續和道德養殖的寵物食品。他們的 微蒸風乾系列由生肉和內臟及當地農產品製成,通過獨特的兩步驟方法共同烹調:原料先進行微蒸,以確保美味、易於咀嚼的質地,然後輕輕風乾,以鎖住質地和營養。
We love that we can count on Ziwi for sustainably and ethically raised pet food, no matter which of their products your four-pawed friend likes best. Their Steam & Dried line is created from raw meats and organs, whole seafood and local produce, which are cooked together using a unique two-step method: raw ingredients are micro-steamed to ensure a delectable, easy to eat texture and then its gently air dried to lock in the texture and nutrition.
About ZIWI Peak - Bring joy and peace of mind to pets and their guardians
Combining the nutrition of a raw diet with the convenience of ready-serve dry food, ZIWI Peak's award-winning gently air-dried pet foods are handcrafted in small batches to ensure the highest quality, and are loaded with ethical and sustainable raw meats from New Zealand to meet the biological needs of your cat or dog.
PeakPrey recipes for peak nutrition
With high inclusions of meat, organs, and seafood in PeakPrey ratios as well as added superfoods for a nutritional boost, ZIWI Peak's foods, chews and treats are also free from high glycemic ingredients, artificial preservatives and binders for a naturally delicious tail-wagging experience.
Kaitiaki - Guardians of the land and sea
Firmly rooted in New Zealand culture, ZIWI Peak uses free-range, grass-fed meats and local poultry that are ethically raised under New Zealand's Freedom Principles of animal welfare, as well as wild-caught, sustainable seafood from the world's top-ranked fisheries, because love and respect should extend beyond our pets to all animals, including those we farm and fish.
ZiwiPeak 微蒸風乾系列 - 放養雞配果園水果配方狗糧
- 定價
- $468.00
- 售價
- $468.00
- 定價
預計送貨日期: Mar 27 (Thu) - Mar 29 (Sat)
• 創新的Z-MicroSteam® 技術:將精緻的微蒸與溫和的風乾相結合,創造出寵物喜愛的輕盈質地。
• 由85% 生肉、內臟、動物脂肪、魚油和蛋白製成。
• 由蘋果、梨、奇異果、藍莓、柿子製成,它們是支持消化的營養和纖維的天然來源。
• 菊粉的來源,菊糖是一種天然益生元,有助於支持腸道內有益細菌的生長。
• 方便的生食替代品,只需舀出即可食用。
• 原料來源合乎道德:所有肉類和內臟均源自紐西蘭,遵守紐西蘭自由原則,不含人工激素。
• 添加益生元和纖維以促進消化健康。
• 多種包裝尺寸:有多種尺寸可供選擇,以滿足不同的需求。
• 旨在作為一頓完整的膳食或作為與其他ZIWI 產品一起製作平衡碗的基礎。
• 適合任何生命階段:從幼犬到老年。