Hairball Plus 防毛球椰子纖維
• 為貓咪的糞便添加水分和體積,幫助貓咪更輕鬆排出毛球• 不含植酸,植酸會消耗貓咪的維生素和礦物質;與其他毛球配方中常用的車前草和穀物纖維不同• 含有中鏈脂肪酸 (MCFA),支持健康的免疫反應• 支持健康的皮膚和皮毛。這意味著更少的脫落• 支持消化健康和胃腸道功能• 支持健康體重• 對於小貓...
- 10% off the first subscription order.
- 3% off on all recurring orders.
- Discounts subject to change or substitution without notice.
- Minimum 3 cycles commitment before cancellation or changes.
- Subscription orders over $300 get Free Delivery. Otherwise $50 delivery charge applies.
- Non-transferable, non-exchangeable for cash.
- Whiskers N Paws reserves the right to modify terms.
購物滿 $300 即享免費送貨
3 工作天送達
Product Details
- Hong Kong Island 1-2 business days
- Kowloon 2-3 business days
- New Territories 2-3 business days
- Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan 2-3 business days
Fast Delivery
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.
關於 CocoTherapy
關於 CocoTherapy
送貨 & 退貨安排
送貨 & 退貨安排
- Hong Kong Island 1-2 business days
- Kowloon 2-3 business days
- New Territories 2-3 business days
- Discovery Bay, Tung Chung & Ma Wan 2-3 business days
Fast Delivery
We are not delivering to outlying islands or internationally at the moment.